crazy rumblin tumblin town
here i am back again
to suck your streets dry and your lanes
where i'll wait hiding in the air like a plague
dying crying laying insane
thin shrivelled legs holding up a fat belly
plastic faces jigsawed places
stale thick air shrivels my nose hair
bang town lore town whore town more more more town
sweet scented lavatories opening wide for my penis
while lays outside life henious
dry skin flaky hair old men alone in lonely arm chairs
hitchin a ride to the bitchin city
where overpriced meat serves overpayed humans
where the unemployed watch the rich's winding ends meet
where empty space is sold by the feet
dead beat no park street dog bark street horns bleat street
my jittery feet wont keep me in my seat
rainbow neons staring into vacant aeons
time your empty battle cowboy on a lonely saddle
i walked your tightrope once fell down most dead
reborn defied denied death bed
back again now no more sane
now your lanes i can walk again

bang bang bang
Posted by the mad hatter at 9:06 AM 0 comments
A dream did occur last nigh
And in this dream was i
But out this dream was also i
Whilst in this dream was i
So if in this dream was really I
Then out this dream was who
Can I be one at the time when I’m being two
And if that indeed be really true
Then who is which and which is who
My eyes tell me its I awake
My dreams to me another I doth take
One I awake and another I slumber betakes
I goes to sleep and the other I awakes
Oh someone tell me which one is fake
It is after all my I at stake !
Posted by the mad hatter at 5:47 AM 0 comments
for he who is me
Oh blazing blinding brazen light I surrender to my ungodly plight
. Feeling wanting hopeful times I remember how soon time will fly
In dreams of me once was the eye the understanding of divides
. Gone the paranoia of looking behind.
Find me skinny bent back huddled with the night
Among the fireflies imitating the skies.
Borrowed wings of a harrowed high
I’m living in the golden lie
The stage has aged but stays the rage
We walk page by page with the new age sage
Hates the days and their redundant ways
He’s no bait for the pearly gates
Oh lord but I have to ask
Why to me this heavy task
To forsake the man to whom I ran
Whenever trembled my frail young hand
His tears now bleeding for my sins
Damn you who tailored my saturnine skin
And then for mother the son dour
Her womb mourns that ungodly hour
Delinquent son continues his run
Always looking to the sun
Ah but if this is truly me
Then this me I’ll truly be
Posted by the mad hatter at 4:03 AM 2 comments
Where the Madmen Flock
Shakespeare’s in the attic and Dylan’s of the past
All that remains is some bitten dogs and their barks
And some dying fires that where lit once in the past
And the bottoms of my pants sway with the sleeves on my hands
And the song in my guitar aint goin too far
In they alley I found an alley cat
I ran cause he knew I was the rat
Then invisible people selling alibis
You didn’t see me baby but I did walk by
you didn’t know at all but I was keepin an eye
Then at a bar I met the other guy
He said for another drink may your soul I buy?
Don’t you sweat don’t you fret you’ll be fine
All you have to do is wear a tie
And so I left him right there to cry
Then as the day chases the clock
I ran to where the madmen flock
Where shakespears still fantastic and Dylan’s atop the mast
oh once there was a troubadour
who had a euphonious snore
and to complete the madrigal
he married a snoring minstrel
he was an alto
and she a soprano
and both could snore a decent solo
they say in Christmas time
they devour 10 bottles of wine
then turn to bed and dim the light
and snore away "silent night"
Posted by the mad hatter at 10:17 AM 0 comments
Time or The man who lived forever
finger to finger and knee to knee
pages keep themselves turneen and burneen
walking down the broken roads
he's asking alms for broken gods
cookin thoughts for the man upstair
playin jingles on aphrodite's hair
he lived alone in his tumultuous gray
innocent hunter beautiful prey
diggin neath to find persephone's songs
hephaetus couldnt save him from athena's prongs
he drinks the laments of living wrong
death's patience goes on too long
how every breath in wine is soaked
how every depth in height is cloaked
tomorrow dawns from todays yawn
and thus everyday a memory is spawn
on a bed then he would lay
asking nothing of today
for time is right there everyday
its just the sun that goes away.....
Posted by the mad hatter at 8:26 PM 0 comments
Answer to sex
men derive their pain from their pleasures
while women derive their pleasures from their pain...
Posted by the mad hatter at 8:24 PM 0 comments
When mAd men get freed
patience my scattered mind no more plead
from this golden cage soon you shall be freed
i'll let you loose to paint the town red
while father lays ignorant in his bed
to scavenge on wine and let reality unwind
feed to you everything my hands can find
from pages of byron to satins of sirens
from spillings of shelley to milton by tenny
to abuse the worth of every single penny
nothing shall be once but always in many
you'll get your bloody share
of new souls you can tear
and then you ask me unfair
to say you werent there
soon you'll be allowed to be
every bird and every bee
to trod on through your own disease
the inability to ever please
yet how you rejoice in your pleasures vile
and to think you thought sylvia senile
and then the days you hungrily devour
the mad man who died in baltimore
then you lust for another's skin
this thirst you call an aesthetic sin
no rest you seek for your body's weak
in every bird you dip your beak
as every breath from you is shrewdly gazumped
your too busy sucking on Athena's thumb
and when they say he's everything but a success
you quote" the palace of wisdom lays on the path of excess" ....
Posted by the mad hatter at 8:24 PM 0 comments
Them 3 again !
now today i think of mother
oh how she hates her only brother
it's his company that is the real bother
the son the ghost and the holy Father!!
Posted by the mad hatter at 8:22 PM 0 comments
Woe is Me
oh if i could write verse too like dante
or play mean guitar like frusciante
or like sir edmund climb " The Hill"
or mint money like Mr Bill
or comprehend like Plato did
or mathemate like Euclid
or dribble the globe like Lionel Messi
or burn rubber like "The Doctor" Rossi
or relate and equate like Einstein
or like Jesus turn water to wine
or deliver a sermon like the Pope
or do comedy like Bob Hope
or sail the seas like Columbus
or cantillate like Sinatra does
or swab and daub like Da vinci
or like Nostradamus foresee
oh woe is now and woe is yet
when this fact you finally get
that your just another one of em whimsical poets...
Posted by the mad hatter at 8:22 PM 0 comments
The Fools Blues
he took a walk down the road and stumbled on silence
as the lazy brown fox jumped quickly over the fence
gazed a while at the forks in the road
with a whistle and a fumble, to the left he strode
my this boy's gonna get lost
he's walking with a poets ghost
now is there anything left to say
we all know poets are good men who lost their way
but how he continues to go astray
always one to sing never one to pray
he punctures the pages with his righteous dismay
the dumb man who always had something to say
look what he's left behind
tears and despair are all we find
you cant put circles in a rectangular mind
every emotion is worthy of mankind
children never chose their name
you blind men putting big pictures in a tiny frame
here's what we do to such righteous fools
such careless boys and their useless saccules
we'll tie him to a classroom chair
bleed his soul and cut his hair
watch him gasp and crave for sweet air
now every child pay heed beware
this is what will come to be
if you take freedom too literally
Posted by the mad hatter at 8:21 PM 0 comments
Curtain Call
oh theater oh theater thou fiddlst with my brain
thy timeless but by distance bound
yet thou travelst infinity before the last bell sound
the stage was once mine oh yes it was
where i died bloody corpse for a wretched lass
where bloody men gained second lives
where i stabbed my soul with dionysus's knives
oh how beautiful we were us savages three
liars in a lie setting freedom free
oh how wicked was his wretched glee
how infinite her agony
you play with breaths and you play with hearts
a new man travels your body parts
oh theater thou art the sin
the ecstasy of trading skin
you delicious fictitious hellacious contrive
the nirvana of knowing another "alive" ..................... ......
Posted by the mad hatter at 8:20 PM 0 comments
The streaker
there was once a smarting young lad
but sadly his clothes he never clad
when asked the reason for this embarrassing fad
he said " i never tasted from the apple which that dumbass adam had"
Posted by the mad hatter at 8:20 PM 0 comments
Whats so Funny ?
consider this the eternal quiz
from mothers womb to deathly bliss
where is the it the source of this wit
this dismal abysmal comedy skit
the questions answered only reveal
the void the devoids of his deal
to your knees to your knees
postulate before him and pay someone else the fees
the silver angels and their plastic hair
or the mad hatter the hole and that nosey hare
the holy trinity or valmiki's pair
changing salvation like underwear
budha u sure done what u coulda
and by jesus with time he woulda done betta
but he sure did press the wrong button
when he gobbled down that stale piece a' mutton
perhaps tis to be and not to ask
maybe the answer isnt where its at
perhaps tis better to never open the door
for his knock knock jokes since ages yore
and the day when i face his wrath and furore
i’ll ask him first to explain his sense of hu-more.....
Posted by the mad hatter at 8:19 PM 0 comments
Weather Report
crazy loopy roller coaster ride
god knows where the good men hide
the little people in their inflated skins
will someday have to pay for their deadly sins
the door to door salesman comes riding on the air
on tv screens flashing his fangs bare
there's an invisible chain tied to your brain
lord there is no love in this pain
time is the dying man on his death bed
no one ever heeded any word he said
he wondered why they never saw the sign
its who am i not where's mine ?
the age of the intelligent machine
the plastic spastic human bein
where even gods advertise on the tv screen
nothings been done but everything's been foreseen
and it doesn't look pretty my dear little brother
nothings ever gonna change cept the rotting weather
lets pack up our bags and make a run
run till we die in the heat of the sun
father they know not what they have done
everything's been lost and nothings been won
everyone stares vacant into the barrel of a gun
and that's why this world i carelessly shun
and that's why i run like the prodigal son
Posted by the mad hatter at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Aurora's Call
hark now my friends lets listen to the morn
as she calls to her children broken and torn
how brilliant your call that invades all
from roses and lilies to the creepy crawls
the eternal whore that sleeps with us all
her skin slithers through as the stars applaud
watch now her golden tresses dance
as Helios looks down in heavenly trance
she that wakes us to new romance
oh aurora your sight enchants
you the phoenix in every god and man
you that made every beginning began
you that inveigles the golden one
you that god with precision spun
forever he took to weave you so
but all i ask is for an hour more....
Posted by the mad hatter at 8:17 PM 0 comments
Hurry and Pee
Oh is there anything more that one can foresee
when one’s blinded by the urge to pee
no newton would have sat under a tree
if he badly wanted his liquids free
nor could’ve freddy sung so well
had he been haunted by these devious spells
and i heard that Shakespeare only lost his rhyme
when there was too much water in his intestine
tell me people of the days when we lost our mind
days when the toilet we could never find
and then the days of beer and wine
that gets you spilling from sunset to sunshine
oh my friends never do withheld
any friend or foe from a urinal
for is there anything more irate
than the urge to urinate......
(a tribute to ogden,
Thou shall never be forgotten)
Posted by the mad hatter at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Manipal Blues - Page 1
oh do remind me of those days
i had spent with friends in drunken haze
vile and senile pride in stride walk step hop through all divides
there was always pungent smoke sifting through the pungent doors
dismaying decaying burgers under them u.v lights
stoned on roads and hills and every broken night
watching the silver moon till the sun grows a spine
cryin and gruntin and pissin on wine
cigarettes and lost bets and stone cold beds
the train rides to the holy land
the beaches with the golden sand
and we'd climb up the hill with hoffman in hand
and let our wretched minds expand
dylan for breakfast lennon for lunch
and for dinner blind melon with rum and punch
then there was the blunder done
of having bad taste in women(god knows what i saw in that fair transparent one)
but that was all forgotten forgiven
when there was substance to abuse forbidden
from open bar to thalloors
escaping from the donts and do's
and drunken brawls come from drunken abuse
and the riding home like tipsy zeus
these were the days with the long haired men
when music would play for hours ten
these where the binges that made my pen
and then came the early morning marijuana zen
oh how easy was it to write then
oh how pleasing t'would have been to die then
Posted by the mad hatter at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Song For Today
The day is bright the time is right
Today I write without compromise
And for those who choose to fake their tastes
I would say please amend your ways
And to poets now who seldom rhyme
What you do is but a crime
Now to all those runnin the damn rat race
You’re running around an endless maze
And the government aint doin nothin
Keep making money out of air or summin
The atmosphere has had its share
Its packin up sayin good bye take care
The Muslims got bombs in their pockets
the Christians now murder through corporates
The Hindus have learned to kill too
And there’s no love lost between the palestines and the Jews
Democracy was a lie sold to you
And screw all of em commees too
Nothing in the news is ever true
and googles the new man with the noose
the new America continues to play god
Oh now it’s a black man to dictate us lets all applaud
Education today has gone to the dogs
It just keeps turnin fools into snobs
Music has but turned dismal
Its just noises and thumps that sound abysmal
Films are no longer food for thought
They could make Kurosawa rot
And if one must want to grab a bite
One must settle for some fast food gripe
Oh I wish now for a stage to say
Welcome to the 21st centuraaaaay
Where everything’s a lie
Where hope has finally come to die
Now if I could offer any advice
I’d say advertise advertise advertise
Posted by the mad hatter at 8:15 PM 0 comments
Daddy why was I stuck to thee
like skin to bone and bark to tree
Everytime I see u in my mirror
Theres only pain and awful terror
I still remember how your cane would flee
Through my torso and till my feet
I never knew then and I never know now
A reason for your insanity
a day later you’d come to me
with a smile and expect me to be in glee
And I stare into your face so pure now in honesty
of course he loves me that monster wasn’t he
And then there’d come a day
when I’d fail or err in some way
and this secret I’d never reveal
in fear of the monster you conceal
but somehow loose tongues would swagger
And the news would reach his anger
And out would come the beast
That made a liar out of me
Posted by the mad hatter at 8:14 PM 0 comments
ode for aashish
You walk into the room with yours eyes in scare
A watch the dead people in their dead chairs like decayed cupcakes
Rollin and crawling and laughing at nothing
They come over to you with their ticks and their hey’s
And you wonder why the exit seems so far away
No void to fall through no thought to escape to
Socializing the devil couldn’t take it
That’s why he left through the rear
Socializing Jesus couldn’t fake it
That’s why he gave up air
You observe the thickness in the stale cold air
These fools refrigerated breaths I must bear
Ignoramus nostradamus hippopotamus
All in pairs
Man why did I get the ticket I never paid the fare
I try and pay attention to the bleating of your throats
But how can sane men listen to words made from farts
Socializing the devil couldn’t take it
That’s why he left through the rear
Socializing Jesus couldn’t fake it
That’s why he gave up air
Updated about 2 weeks ago · Comment · Like
Posted by the mad hatter at 8:13 PM 0 comments
What they call me
I’m the freewheeling jack
I’m what the whole world lacks
I’m the rebel who’s laid back
I’m the lap on which everyone sat
The prophets the thief’s the jokers the rats
I’m the poet drowned in a sack
I’m the singer that never sang
I’m the poison without the fang
I’m the lover that never loved
I’m the music that’s played too loud
I’m the boat that refused to float
I’m the key to the cosmic plot
I’m the millionaire who was always broke
I listened when the silence spoke
I’m the lie that’s worth living for
I’m the light that hid behind the door
I’m the wanted the needy the poor
I’m what turned a lady into a whore
I’m the plague that broke down the wall
I’m what walked before it could crawl
I am but nothing thus a bit of all
I am the pride that came before the fall
I’m the bowl in which Buddha spat
I’m the white in the eternal black
I’m the plastic Christ nailed to the plastic plaque
I’m the new age Kerouac
I’m the stone that went on a roll
I’m one who bargained for his soul
I’m what they call
A know it all
Posted by the mad hatter at 8:12 PM 0 comments