Random as it gets

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

chicken is the egg white of meat.. honest unprejudiced love turns the recipients of it's faith into art, and that is all there is to art. the reason why Sep 11 stays more valid than every other incident is because of how they felt and reacted to it and in some ways (SOME) we fail to feel and react atleast not until it's too late. my thoughts are intelligent somehow my words arent, who the fuck is directing traffic up there?!! Porn is not a product of perversion but the product of the lack of the real experience.. and if we think that porn is wrong.. the discussion shouldn't end just there.... but why do we even need porn... porn perversion rape sodomy every single strain of wild sexuality we find is just not an expression of sexually deviant imagination but the effect of sexual restrain... our embarrassment in our naturally existent god given biological need has taken wild proportions... when the subject of the need has nothing to feed on, the process which is basic in our nature decides to find other venues for it's fulfillment, for it cannot but exist. the need to reproduce is basic, emotion came next... morality much later.. yet morality ignores the idea of the basic... let us encourage our children to understand sex, let us encourage them to get comfortable with the right way.. educate them and not separate them for the need that lives in all of us... let us free our women and our men from the chains of her chastity, change that and the second when the the basic continuum of our biological needs are met at a primary level like gas and heat and shelter .. the being becomes a much more effective organism... no longer tied to his emotion to find him the solution for the need that should never have become his prerogative... and most of all understand that the act's perversion lies in our mind because when we we have dissent to sex we have dissent to god.. because be you a Christian or an atheist the one thing that we can agree on is that it/him/her/they/we/us fucking created us and the most ungodly thing to do would be to rob the world of another soul to exist/(or to say "stop fucking").... Thums up is spelled wrong ... and there is a thumb on it!