hark the herald the pirate sings
lest his might might lose his strength
see heroes are made of reasonless faith
them immature sides of his ungodly whole
know now this now you're special only to his whimsy
time is his lie being is his spy
you're freedom is his plane
his plane to judge his own existence
think thus confused king
sends out million minions
go pain for me
I'm small too alas not in comparison to u
but in comparison to all else
smallness fights grandeur in the calling of entirety
the cycle but never stops nor for u not for ur god
see gods are bigger but none the less weaker
ur the millionth experiment in his infinite confusion
the masks he gives u are his own lended some borrowed
the beauty of the wheel is that it never meets its own end
and that's the only clever thing he last did
morrison u fuck bob you stuck
he knew de-reason u knew configuration
achoo bless u cough cough coughin through
Adams apple was what eve bit into
u fool
u fool u fool
the depth of her bottoms the smile on her lowly lips is what beckons u
and nothing else will get through
and nothing else can make you

His Hy-pathetic Reality
Posted by the mad hatter at 10:13 PM 0 comments
Morning Gaga
you wake up in a new town wondering why the smoldering breath of the last town seems incomprehensible in the burning eye of the new one
. you wake up to the smell of fresh soothing coffee to the angst of a fresh lit cigarette
you wake up to the idea that love might still survive our terrible lies.
you wake up to promise surging through the veins of your soul
you wake up with a smile that gently caresses the soft insides of your own heart without reason.
you wake up to sweet sweet music as it churns itself vigorously through the bliss of being.
you wake up through the eyes of the better man in you.
you wake up to this worlds secret "as animals we must love."
you wake up to the universe the morning the gods who made u matter.
you wake up father son child man saint prophet.
love is the shadow of enlightenment and today i'll stare at the sun
Posted by the mad hatter at 12:50 AM 0 comments
for all her gusaing
i met wept for her today
saw her smilin whilin her time
her fair skin glows under neon lights
her black so covered in her blinding whites
lips red pink nay its the idea that chases my mind
do you remember them hasty kisses prolonged
in sun shines and moonlights profound
she draped herself in sweet white cotton
the first night i remember
held me sway by her demanding grace
stepped up said we'll kiss for bliss tonight
not knowing our being we let ousreslves be
kiss amiss amidst the wants that ne'er spake
bless u child and the dreams i had
for me for ye for the bottoms of ur eyes
for the depths of ur charades I'll seek a reason
for the length of your being I'll forsake my time
you are mine as u were once
and you will be someday when ?
this throat stays parched for your wet lips
these arms still aches for your hip hips
embraced we did in yesterdays yawn
embrace we did in our stories forlorn
wait await for her again
what we ever need will bring us pain
what she will lose still wont make your gains
and that's the sad story at the end of the day
Posted by the mad hatter at 9:28 AM 1 comments
The Karma Crack
foreseeable futures for the unforeseen mind
to foreseeable judgements on foreseen fears
for what is the eyes but a broken window
a one sided story to this 7 sided existence
death loves too only without choice
is redemption blind then or does it not care
fingers see not their arm
yet they worship arm god bone god man god
on and on so on so forth
so then isn't faith blindness too
look lest you miss sight
hear lest you forget sound
but worship the mind that knows without knowing
as nothing violates everything in the chambers of its night
becoming shakes itself away from what became
the void knows the void grows
one pit dug fills another with its garbage excess
whoop whoop whoop goes on Buddha song
whoop whoop whoop the endless story goes on
you're a trickle off a drop counting the numberless
you're the little of the least wanting more
east end lights will always hunger for northern nights
but u that have no purpose are god
for purpose binds your feet to narrow roads
your nothingness is your salvation
lose the eye keep the mind
ask the why run the mile
shatter scatter be
burn burn burn in glee
our lover hides around the corner
and soon she'll set us free
Posted by the mad hatter at 8:06 PM 0 comments