sluggish tears tug at limber muscles
wipe mud way away from my broken fossils
time such so imprecisely measures age
no belief anymore more blind
though ur new vision is no equal find
your precision draws a scar on your mind
you walk ahead to find what you left behind
fire burned water drowned
isn't deaths reach profound
white hands puppeteer black minds
as the brown face fights the slanted eyed
the conscience is the new enemy
reason the new fallacy
the neighbour the new foe to be
the beggars asks for ungrateful fee
so tell me oh pray tell me
why happiness sought is misery found
why why our heavens have left us hell bound
your clean white houses in your dirty black streets
your western gods and your eastern priests
your crisp linen and your dirty sheets
truth stays scarce as the lies repeat
and seek now and measure your weights
nay not in gold but by the sparseness of your hate
seek now the door lest it be too late
nay not in time but by the weight of our mistakes

the last dance
Posted by the mad hatter at 9:00 PM 0 comments
At Solomon's
in preached sermons of the lonely gaze
lies the saviour of the seven days
for is he not but of the eye
that solves the riddles and is the why
the days run like water and night sails like air
then is not it pity plight of men who never leave their chair
for but vague is the truth, ought u it be more solid like a stone ?
and but failure and its acceptance is the key from known to known
pain mathemates the same to love
for what is short also has height for what is below also has above
the world in eye the eye in mind mind in dream dream in sleep
from heavy light to floating darkness from painful shallows to soothing deep
you say slept i well last nigh
but if you slept well then who is the i
thus as thought is given to think
thus is life given thirsty drink
for desire abated is a limping horse
that gathers no speed and makes forward worse
tis beauty that ripens what carelessly grows
for he always was poetry and never prose
Posted by the mad hatter at 2:29 AM 0 comments