in the sea this destitute finds solace,
behind crimson waves he hides his face,
watching dreams that matter from these mirages,
the hunter hunts and saves a smile for his prey,
he feel the resentful heat soothe his balmy skin,
as the liquid avalanches slowly roll in,
the salt settles its eye in the centre of his taste,
he ponders on about this esqusite charade before,
this calm is just another mask he realized,
as the storm beneath pulled him in...

salt for me
Posted by the mad hatter at 10:17 PM 0 comments
To never kiss
pink horses in pairs of two,
sigh and quiver while the mind plays the fool,
the fools fiddle with reason while the mares writhe in need,
one for the other and the other for another,
cage the doubts and feed the fire,
close in and breath through each other,
hold the wet embrace and wait for her taste,
revelling in this gourmet of desire,
Alas the fools fought themsleves in dark corners,
while the mares sang to the wind promises of tomorrow...
Posted by the mad hatter at 9:40 PM 0 comments
oui monsieur
ATTENTION! Speaking strictly in french,
call me le blanc,
pour me some wine,
stuff me with cheese,
watch hairy armpits,
kiss me with tongue,
and a long tipped cigarette,
a drunken brawl,
some sordid tales,
and a coffee by the seine
Posted by the mad hatter at 9:36 PM 0 comments
the beat street and the beat boy
spittle of the silly sparrow splatters the slab,
in spaced out spasms on a speeding street,
stands a student studying stimulations,
and adamant admonitions of an unadressed apparition,
climbing his cliffs clad in his clothes of clever,
he advertises adulterated advices for the advent of future,
then into the insides of i he runs for insight,
introduced to the ingenious inadequencies in him,
he heaves for heaven and his healing light,
falling under the weight of his freudian follies,
he speeds the streets by the seat of his whimsies..
Posted by the mad hatter at 9:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: n
the walk down a roads name i forgot
there was music in my ears and strength in my stride,
i walked through the crowded street with no destination in mind,
my brazen black cap lay rested on my head,
my strange volatile clothes hung limp on my figure,
waking from oblivion i noticed the passerby's,
they looked at me with everything but a smile,
some laughed first and thus brought a dying smile,
sadly that was mockery impolitely not disguised,
some threw gaudy taunts and expressions senile,
some stared and wondered why and then just went on by,
i wonder what it was that they did see,
this embarassment of mine that hid from me,
soon in tears i stopped and cried,
and with quick wipes my eyes i dried,
in front of me stood a huge window (built to perfection)
in which i suddenly saw my own reflection,
and then i knew from where the whole thing came to be,
they all looked the same cept for me !!!
Posted by the mad hatter at 8:56 PM 1 comments
As he sat in the railway compartment looking out at the demure world pass him by. his eyes searched the spaces and voids for a face to smile at. finding none he walked over to the edge and with the humid hot timid soft air running through his his wispy hair and his dark crispy skin. he aimlessly lit a cigarette and aimlessly stared ahead. he takes a long deep drag and aimlessly smiles.
Posted by the mad hatter at 8:44 PM 0 comments
Farther away as i travel from the footsteps i last tread
I look back and miss the people i were every second before
then i stare at the mirror hanging limp on the wall
and see the stranger i have to learn to love
only to be snatched away by the tides of change
ripped from heart to be replaced by another
another stranger
Posted by the mad hatter at 8:39 PM 0 comments